CANEUS Moments


In summary, the CANEUS conference was a great success. Not only did we achieve the stated primary objectives, but we went significantly beyond them by creating a unified MNT-for- Aerospace community across the USA, Canada, Europe and Asia. For its part, Canada can be proud of bringing together a truly historic gathering of technical experts and decision makers from across the various participating countries. It is recommended that the following future actions be taken by governmental policy makers from the participating CANEUS countries:

Recommended future policy actions:

  1. Set up inter-governmental agreements that will serve as the basis for future collaborations and ensure the free flow of Aerospace MNT between participating countries.

  2. Identify the areas of complementary, core expertise within each nation, which can be seamlessly integrated into the “technology pipeline” for Aerospace MNT.

  3. Develop both a ground-based and space-based MNT reliability testing protocol that will benefit from the Space technology pipeline.

  4. Implement low cost, rapid launch space testing opportunities that can advance Space MNT development far more rapidly than is currently the case. In this way, there is a dual benefit of realizing the Return-on-Investment (ROI) quicker as well as “building in” reliability and robustness into Space MNT at a relatively early stage of development.

Proposed Future CANEUS Events

Year Event Conference Site
2004 CANEUS II Workshop Monterey, California, USA
2006 CANEUS III Workshop Bellum Castle, Jura Mountain, France
2008 CANEUS IV Workshop Japan, Asia


Last update - Dec. 23, 2002