Gaëtan Menozzi,
NEXUS, France MEMS in FRANCE, An overview of trends and
products for Aeronautic & Defence applications
The Author is involved in different organizations and projects dealing
with MEMS in Europe and in France, from civil to military applications.
This paper gives an overview of the French MEMS expertise from R&D
to products within the European context.
In the civil domain, the author is currently Chairman of
NEXUS, the European network of Microsystems, and chairman of EURIMUS a
strategic Eurèka 5 years program. This gives an European overview
of civilian expertise in MEMS products which could be used as COTS for
military applications. The USCS User-Supplier-Clubs, the core of the NEXUS
activities, represent an excellent forum place for exchanging on dedicated
MEMS domains. The USC Aerospace and Geophysics, addresses the Road map
for aeronautic and defense applications,..
In the military field, the author has been working for a
long time in sensors and µsensors/MEMS for aeronautics and defense
applications. In this stage, he has been launched and participated in
European Euclid project such as BRAMMS project involving UK, Italy, Netherlands
and France. This project was aimed at defining the needs in miniaturization
for air sea and land applications, and the capabilities of current MEMS
or future developments. New projects in RF MEMS have been launched for
military objectives.
Based on the previous experience, the author has been asked
to chair during the year 2001 a MEMS Task Force for the French Ministry
of Defense in order to define:
The main area where MEMS demonstrate high potential with new military
products issued from their application,
Establish Road maps for the different systems domain such as navigation
and radio navigation, RF communications for Radar and countermeasures,
UAVs & µUAVs, biochemical, otpronics..
Deliver a status of French expertise and benchmark the European and overseas
capabilities in MEMS R&D and production,
Analyze the possible cooperation from dual applications
Analyze the menaces around this new technology.
As a result of this task force this paper will present some
basic road map, tables of expertise in MEMS sensors for navigation such
as accelerometers, gyrometers, pressure sensors for Air Data Computer
and Engines. Examples from major defense companies are shown. New developments
in RF MEMS are being described with an emphasis on dual technology applications
from mobile phone towards active antennas.
France and European key players are listed. Major
programs of R&D from civil to military applications are addressed.
Liu, nAbacus, Japan Nanotechnology Global Policies.and APEC
Collaboration Strategies
Nanotechnology is a global technology and the Asia Pacific (AP) is
advancing to the most ambitious and dynamic region in the world. Dr Lerwen
will provide the latest update on the Nanotechnology government programs
industry policy in the Asia Pacific region including Australia, China,
Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. The corporate and venture
capital investment interests in this region will also be outlined. Highlights
in the Nanotechnology developments in the region including Bionanotechnology,
Nanoelectronics and Nanomaterials will be presented. The total public
spending in the Asia Pacific region exceeds US$1b for
2002 and more will be spent for the coming years. This indicates the commitment
from the governments in AP region to take a significant role in the global
Nanotechnology development, and the appreciation of the importance of
Nanotechnology R & D and its impact in industries and businesses in
the region. Unlike the European Union, the AP region has no government
or an organization to coordinate the regional Nanotechnology policy, education,
network, industry and business development. There is an increasing awareness
of the necessity of building strong alliance across in the AP region in
Nanotechnology R & D and commercialization. Dr Liu will also present
the mission of the Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum (APNF).
Policy (P1)
P. Bachynski, MPB Technologies, Canada
Borzi, IMEC, USA Micro-NanoTechonology Collaboration Strategies
for Businesses and Governments, between Europe, USA and Other Countries
Abstract: convergence of computing, communications and application technology
requires chips with higher bandwidth, increased functionality and lower
power consumption.
The market pressures the industry to develop new products faster and at
lower costs. The needed technological evolution asks for faster research
advances and developments. This scenario forces companies to invest more
in R&D and to perform further development with competitors, allies
and research institutes, minimizing risks and costs while increasing knowledge.
These trends require the development of a dynamical business collaborative
IMEC as leading research institute and center of excellence for microelectronics,
nanotechnology and ICT technologies, is addressing these challenges. IMEC's
collaborative R&D model is based on a program-driven approach finally
tuned to the needs of each partner. The programs, regulated by an appropriate
Intellectual Property Rights policy (IPR), enable sharing of risks, and
costs while increasing knowledge.
The success of this model is shown by the collaboration already established
with more than 450 partners and the development of next-generation technologies.
M. Klymyshyn, Venkat R. Subramanian, University of Saskatchewan,
Canada MEMs/Nanotech Facility at the Canadian Light Source
Abstract: This paper discusses the fabrication aspects of a sensor device
that is based on a sputter deposited multilayer giant magnetoresistive
(GMR) sensor. The device consists of a micromachined microstructure (membrane),
a GMR sensor, and a hard magnetic film sputtered onto the membrane. The
GMR sensor detects the membrane acceleration by sensing the changes in
magnetic field caused by the displacement of the hard magnetic film on
the microstructure. Very thin (0.5 µm) silicon nitride membranes
are fabricated by means of anisotropic bulk micromachining of silicon
wafer. A reliable GMR-MEMS device must have characteristics such as a
high percentage change in resistance, a high field resistance, a low resistance
noise, and a large bandwidth. These characteristics strongly depend on
the thickness of the various layers in sensor device multilayers, the
composition and microstructure of the individual layers. Deposition and
patterning of hard magnetic film over the microstructure and the bonding
of this microstructure over the GMR element are also discussed. The fabrication
and reliability issues associated with GMR-MEMS devices have been discussed.
Marchand, ESA, France MNT programs and Strategies within the ESA
Policy (P2)
Stibrany, MD Robotics, Canada
Assemat, CNES, France MEMS and Microtechnology Microtechnology
for Space Applications : CNES Policies and Strategies
The main activities and studies undertaken was presented. These points
were covering the following areas :
AOCS subsystem (System Engineering and micro sensors),
RF subsystem (Switches, filter ),
Propulsion subsystem,
Thermal regulation (micro heat pipe),
Basic technologies development,
George, JPL-NASA, US Policies and Needs for Potential Governmental Agreements
for Free flow of Aerospace Based MNT Between Member State Organizations
Abstract: The MEMS Technology Group at JPL pursues the development of a wide
range of technologies that are primarily applicable to NASA needs in the
area of robotic planetary exploration. MEMS technologies are uniquely
suited for space applications since they offer the advantages of low mass,
low power consumption and reliability, without significant loss of capability.
These attributes will not only enable the micro-spacecraft of the future
but also provide low-mass devices with high redundancy for conventional
spacecraft. The MEMS-based technologies being developed include Micro-Gyroscope
devices, Micro-Propulsion (Solid, Liquid and Gaseous propellant) devices,
Micro-Valves, LIGA-based micro-devices, sensors and devices for System-on-a-chip
applications and Micro-Instruments. End-to-end prototype development of
these technologies is conducted at the Microdevices Laboratory, a 38,000
sq. ft. facility with over 5000 sq. ft of cleanrooms (class 10 - 100,000)
and over 5000 sq. ft. of characterization laboratory space. The facilities
include computer design and simulation tools, optical and electron-beam
lithography, dry and wet etching facilities including deep reactive ion
etching, metallization, assembly and device testing facilities. Following
the fabrication and assembly of the device prototypes, reliability testing
of these devices is conducted to determine failure modes. The need for
low-cost, rapid space testing of these prototypes and a possible solution
via the use of "PICO-Sats" will also be discussed
Michael Huff, MEMS Exchange, USA
Michael Huff, MEMS Exchange, USA MEMS Exchange Collaboration Program